Oh where to begin. Seriously.
This past weekend was spent frolicking with the fabulously fantastic Fillmore’s at the Fillmore Family Reunion (blog post to follow in the near future). Try saying that 3 times fast. I had to work today (Monday) and so a very beautiful, gracious and anonymous donor offered to help pay for a plane ticket so I could be back before I turned into a pumpkin. I was super grateful that I was able to spend the time that I did have with Mitchell’s side of the family. So it was slightly sad when everyone was enjoying themselves Sunday evening and I had to be a party pooper and leave. (I was already feeling pretty stressed about going to work the next day. I have a lot of responsibility at this new job and Monday meant the first day that I would be flying solo …. no trainer … no nothin’… on my own.)
Mitchell dropped me off at the airport … I boarded the plane and before we knew it … the sky had become filled with swirling dark grey cotton candy. So we sat in the plane forEVER. Finally we took off. This is where the fun begins …….
1. A very friendly crazy lady sat down next to me. She had been stuck in airports all day with her 6 month old. By the time she got to our flight she had pretty much forgotten how to even hold her baby. The poor thing was seriously just dangling, pinned between her knees and the seats in front of us. I didn’t want the poor thing to die, so I offered to hold the cute little bugger. Well, the mom ended up falling asleep and I was left to entertain a 6 month old. Much harder than it looks. Props to all you mothers who dare fly with babies. Soooooo that meant no nap for me.
2. Earlier at the airport gate, I caught a guy staring at me. Thought nothing of it. As I took my seat on the plane … I noticed that he was sitting diagonal to me. I was still okay with that. But then the staring continued. And intensified. I would catch him staring at me and then he would give me this “come hither” look. I don’t know where that guy learned how to talk with his eyes that way … but it freaked me out. Seriously. Barf. At some point I caught him trying to mouth a couple words to me … I am horrible at lip reading…. thankfully. At one point the nice crazy lady woke up and went to the bathroom … she was the only barrier between me and him. As soon as she left he made his move. He leaned across the aisle trying to get my attention. I flashed my wedding ring casually while scratching my face and totally snubbed him big time. Most uncomfortable flight on the planet.
3. I get off the plane. Take a shuttle to the Park N’ Jet. Drive home. Drag my stuff up the stairs to our door. Shove my key in the door and turn …. nothing. After trying about 50 bajillion different deadbolt/door lock twist combinations and calling Mitchell, I ended up going over to the neighbors house (by this time it was midnight). They tried with no such luck. Said sorry and then shut their door. The straw that broke the camel’s back for sure. Exhausted. Cranky. Bed-less. Stressed … and an orphan.
this is what an exhausted, bed-less, cranky and stressed orphan looks like. boy am I glad I carry my camera everywhere so I can document joyous occasions such as this.
I thought up the possible game plans …
A) sleep in the ole’ minivan and go to work the next morning stinky while adorned in dirty clothes.
B) try and find a super cheap motel room that doesn’t smell like a thrift store.
C) homeless shelter or build my own shelter
D) drive the hour and wake up the entire Hicken household and sleep in my old room.
I chose D. Finally got to bed around 1. Had to get up early. Woke up. Felt like I had been trampled by a herd of wild buffalo. Put on some of my mom’s clean clothes. Got a blessing from my dad. Drove to work. Had a fabulous day. Didn’t yawn once. Moral of this bedtime story … priesthood blessings are real and amazing. Thanks dad.