We decided to exchange snowy Utah for warm Vegas last week. Mitchell had a work conference so Winter and I decided to tag along.
It was pretty obvious that we had never been on a road trip longer than a couple hours with Winter, because we had multiple diaper issues. Note to self: put Winter in night time diapers on lengthy drives. We are such noobs.
pee problems in the middle of the desert.

We made it to Vegas alive … not clean … but alive.
Winter fell madly in love with the curtains in our hotel room.

I was kinda creeped out our entire stay … I blame Stephen King.

She is such a cute little human.

gummy gums.

Mitchell was in meetings all day, leaving Winter and I to our lonesomes. The strip was calling our name … and we should have ignored it. I went to the strip about 8 years ago and it was not with a stroller. I didn’t realize that there would be soooo many stairs along the strip. So most of our time was spent finding elevators and getting lost.
It was dirty. It was hot. I’m not into porn. I don’t drink.
Like I said, we should have ignored the call.
Winter’s face says it all … we both felt the same. So we booked it out of there, but not before getting lost in New York New York. I will curse that casino till the day I die.

And just when I thought our pee problems were over .. this happened. Winter wet my pants for me. Yes, I deserve mother of the year. The last thing I was thinking about while on vacation was changing diapers. I must have unconsciously thought a vacation also meant a vacation from diaper changing. Wrongo. Not to mention this happened away from our room … and this picture does not do the damage any justice. My entire crotch (crotch is such an ugly word) was soaked. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas right?

We stopped to visit my brother and his family in Cedar City on our way home.
Lynn, my sister in law, wined and dined us. I didn’t take any pictures of the food she made, but man, it was good. If we ever get crazy rich I will hire her to cook for us. We had awesome cinnamon french toast,Vietnamese spring rolls, artichoke pesto sandwiches, king crab dip, spinach salad and awesome pie made with berries straight up from her home state of Alaska.

My brother has chickens. This was my first time ever holding one of these creatures.
It was semi scary.

We had to stop in Fillmore on our way home, naturally.

And look at this happy traveler’s face. I must say I was pleasantly surprised by how happy Winter was during this trek. Great job Winter, great job.