Mitchell and I discovered something this weekend.....we are in fact, professional theme party planners. Go ahead. Give us a theme. I dare ya. The movie Up came out earlier this month and it was quite clear a party was in demand. My parents hadn't seen it so we decided to throw them a Up party .....okay okay, the title of professional theme party planners might be a bit of a stretch ....
We had pineUPple soda
with some chUPs and dUP
and for dessert ... caramel pUPcorn
So give us a call and we can take care of all your party needs. We even offer discounts for immediate family.
Thrift stores are magical. I LOVE walking into a store and finding a diamond in the rough amidst a pile of garbage. Yes most thrift stores have a different ... aroma about them, but the deals can be killer! I remember when I was in elementary school and my mom would take us to DI .... I was embarrassed to be buying someone's used clothing... but now I prefer thrift stores and their prices. A good chunk of my closet is made up of thrift store finds.
Mitchell and I took our "fun money" we had saved up and headed to the nearest Chipotle (in Bountiful 25 mins away) and then hit DI on the way home. We came home with a beauty for sure ......
We do not wish to offend those of you who happen to have this painting hanging in your homes this very minute .... it just isn't our style .... it t'was the frame that made us drool.
With a little TLC from Mitchell ... this frame was transformed into an awesome mirror that would cost a pretty penny in a store.
Once upon a time there was a very vain girl who occasionally wore sunscreen. She worked two summers doing landscape maintenance ..... 6 hours per day .... in the sun. ..... yes, this girl was me. This job provided me with the perfect opportunity to say farewell to my pasty white skin. I was indeed naive. I wasn't really surprised when a mysterious bump began growing on my forehead a couple months ago, considering my sketchy past with sunscreen. I was prepared to accept the fact that I had precancerous garbage on my face. My mom was concerned so she called up the friendly neighborhood dermatologist and wanted him to take a look at it. We walked over to his house today ... he opened the door .... looked at me for 0.7 seconds and said .... "that's a wart." WHAT?! I'm a wartface?! NOOOOO! I guess I should be grateful it isn't cancerous .... but I'm kind of embarrassed to be put in the same category as witches and warthogs. Oh well. Looks like I will have to begin training my hair to part on the other side.