
Warthogs and Witches

Once upon a time there was a very vain girl who occasionally wore sunscreen. She worked two summers doing landscape maintenance ..... 6 hours per day .... in the sun. ..... yes, this girl was me. This job provided me with the perfect opportunity to say farewell to my pasty white skin. I was indeed naive. I wasn't really surprised when a mysterious bump began growing on my forehead a couple months ago, considering my sketchy past with sunscreen. I was prepared to accept the fact that I had precancerous garbage on my face. My mom was concerned so she called up the friendly neighborhood dermatologist and wanted him to take a look at it. We walked over to his house today ... he opened the door .... looked at me for 0.7 seconds and said .... "that's a wart." WHAT?! I'm a wartface?! NOOOOO! I guess I should be grateful it isn't cancerous .... but I'm kind of embarrassed to be put in the same category as witches and warthogs. Oh well. Looks like I will have to begin training my hair to part on the other side.

I'm a .... witch.

Lift off ......


JD and Ash said...

That's pretty funny!

loveland9 said...

Hey, have you been taking broomstick lessons for awhile? You're pretty good at it.

aunt jan said...

You a student at Hogwarts?

Lorilee said...

So how does somebody go from being a cubicle queen to a witch in training in just one post?

Love the broom pic!

Natster said...

ha ha ha ha! Oh dearest Erin. Do I now need to refer to you as Warthead Erin or Erin the Warthead. What do you prefer?
I love the flying pic by the way. Please make it your facebook profile pic. :)

Erin said...

your wish is my command Nat.

Nancy said...

Yeah that's pretty rough... retraining your hair to part on the other side that is:). Glad it's not cancerous- but I agree warts aren't fun. My condolences.

LeAnne said...

You are awesome! You think you could pass on your broom flying skills to me? It looks like fun.