santa baby.

We had an inspector go out and give it a good looking over. We knew that there was a ton of work that would need to be done in order to get it in working order, but that didn't scare us. DIY housing projects excite us and make us feel warm and fuzzy. But after the inspection was completed and we crunched some numbers we both came to the conclusion that we would have to tap out. Our hearts were slightly broken. We both felt like this was our house. We could see ourselves raising our family in it.
Caterpillars, Gypsies and Steve Jobs Oh My!

We got to spend a week in Denver visiting family. I have learned it is ten billion times harder to take photos now that we are carrying Winter around. I got home and realized that I didn’t get near the amount of photos I wanted during our stay. Oh well.
Winter turned 3 months over the weekend. Three months … that’s not really a long time, yet it feels like she has been a part of our family forever and its weird to think about a time without her.
- She enjoys sucking on her hands and then wiping them all over me
- She hates being alone … if I leave the room for a minute you better believe there will be some whining from her end
- She caught her first cold and is still getting over it. The amount of screaming and crying thanks to the snot-bulb-sucker-of-death is out of control. I’m surprised the neighbors haven’t called CPA on us yet …
- She gets a million and two compliments on her lips per week … the second most common comment is “Well, she sure isn’t starving.”
- She loves having her feet rubbed … with lotion. What a spoiled baby.
Winter met Grandma Fillmore for the first time.
We visited Gardner Village with the Church Family
The famous Mitchell smirk.
And my parents left for the MTC yesterday. I don’t think it has really hit me that they are officially off on this awesome adventure. Watch out Pennsylvania, here they come.
We celebrated with some Pittsburgers.
They will be missed, but we are excited to hear their experiences. It will be one heck of a party when they get back, along with my little brother Craig, in the spring.