amazon woman.
Wedding Crashers.
Part 2 of our date: I had heard about this really cool park behind a cool LDS church in Salt Lake. So off we went to explore. The church is located on the beautiful street Yale Ave. Seriously an awesome street I would LOVE to live on someday. We arrived at the church only to find that some fancy pants wedding party had reserved the park. There was only one thing left for our to do:
I Love You, You Love Me
A couple weeks ago we FINALLY took Winter on her first walk. We picked Liberty Park to take our evening stroll and I am so glad we did. Liberty Park attracts a wide variety of people) and there is always something somewhat odd/entertaining (birthday parties, FHE’s, medieval fighting practices, comi-con meet ups, volleyball games, dj’s, dogs galore, etc) going on … this evening did not disappoint.
We were about 5 mins into our walk when we heard some loud music and saw this in the distance ….
Oh here, let me change my focal point ….
It was none other than Barney and friends … having a dance party in the middle of the park. I could not stop laughing for the life of me. And you better believe they sang the “I Love You” song when the party was over. Thank you Liberty Park, thank you.
Winter wasn’t a huge fan.
Winter update: You saw how terrible her cute little face looked here just the other day … well I’m glad to report it appears to not be a 24/7 condition. I’ve been diligent about putting hydrocortisone on her rash and it only flairs up every so often. This picture was just taken yesterday. Hallelujah.
I also took Winter on her very first thrift store outing. She loved it …aka… she slept the whole time. I kept her covered so she wouldn’t be exposed to all the nasty nasty germs …
You’re So Vain
Over the weekend Winter began developing some awesome red irritation on her face … I didn’t think much of it … until today that is.
Her poor little face exploded. She seriously looked like death was knocking on her door this morning. Well, turns out she has the ever so lovely condition known as seborrhea. The Doctor said that it should clear up by the time she is 4 months old. Do the math … that’s 2.5 more months of this …
I pray that he is wrong and it magically clears up this week.
It doesn’t hurt her at all thankfully, but it does hurt my self esteem just a little I guess … I am vain. This rash kinda puts a damper on any kind of photo opts in the near future … bleh.
Poor baby. Breaks my heart.
Mitchell did a wonderful job blessing Winter on Sunday. Right when they called her name she started to cry and I thought we were in trouble for sure. But she calmed right down and was a little angel. It was great to have family there to celebrate the day.
She was having kind of a rough day ….
With Morgan, Ashley and Clara in town we all thought it would be great to go and visit Grandma Lowe and let her check out some of her very cute great granddaughters.