
Caterpillars, Gypsies and Steve Jobs Oh My!

I love Halloween. 
-the pumpkin infused desserts
-dressing up/costume parties
-the awesome weather
-black and orange decorations
-candy, candy and more candy
ANDDDDD it reminds us that the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons are just around the corner
Winter wasn’t quite sure why we were shoving her into a giant fluffy caterpillar … but one day, I know she will love Halloween just as much as we do. 

 Shout out to Meredith for the adorable costume. Thanks Mer!

Mitchell paid a tribute to the dear Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs circa 1986

And here I am gypsified … sans tambourine and little monkey.  


merathon said...

she is a perfect little caterpillar. and i must say, i am LOVING you with long red hair! as for mitchell's wig... i have no words.

Marliese said...

You all look fab as usual--dressed up, dressed down...you always look good!