Life #4: Church Callings
I have to admit I was getting a little bit worried when I hit the 5 month mark in our new ward and still didn't have a calling. Heck, I would have been happy with ward bulletin board specialist at that point.... finally I have a place, make that two places, in the ward now ....... drum roll ...... sunbeam teacher and activities committee!
I was slightly concerned about having to teach a bunch of 3-4 year olds, but my sweet mother hooked me up with all the coolest songs to sing and games to play. My first lesson was "I Can Be Kind to Animals" .... how awesome is that? My next lesson is "Music Makes Me Happy." Last week consisted of marching around the room pretending we were the 2000 stripling warriors and making cool headbands. Can't get better than that.

Our Halloween party is going to be rocking for sure

Way to go poster girl!
What lucky sunbeams!
You rock, Babycakes!
You will love teaching the Sunbeams. Way to be positive! Your poster looks great! You'd be a fun activities person. You can move to our ward.
and what about the rest of your "lives"? Didn't you say there were 7? I'm waiting...
erin = slacker face. i'll post some stuff this weekend....
They definitely picked the right girl for those callings. Sweet poster. I wish you could be Eden's sunbeam teacher next year!
By the way, have I ever told you how cute and photogenic you are?!? It's true...and your hair looks great with those big curls in it.
thanks Marliese!
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