
Hostage Situation

Rewind about 3 months and 27 days ago ..... http://fillmorespace.blogspot.com/2009/06/sabbath-smashup.html My parents thought they would play bumper cars and ended up totaling the Hicken mobile. We arrived on the scene to entertain them. They had to gather everything (CD case, napkins, pens, lotion, pencils, the roll of toilet paper ... does anyone elses mother carry around a roll of toliet paper?) out of the car before it was sadly towed away.
A few days after the incident, my mother, my very own mother, my own flesh and blood accused us of stealing their beloved CD case. They couldn't find it anywhere. Why the heck would we want a CD case full of Mo-Tab remixes and LDS Middle Eastern studies? She would constantly ask us if we had seen the missing CD's.
Well ..... a few days ago ...... we found it. I swear to this day that someone planted it in our house to make us look bad. I'm blaming Craig (my little-big brother). We knew these CDs meant a lot to my parents ... so we worked up a little plan .....

We left this in a manila envelope on their doorstep

The missing subject tied up and scared in a dark, damp cellar

We definitely didn't get the cash that we demanded or even the pizza ... we ended up trading it in for some candy corn and we were able to borrow the movie "Forver Young." Not a bad trade if you ask me.


Natster said...

I like the actual tied up case. You guys are awesome. :)

loveland9 said...

That's awesome. I would have given you pizza. You got robbed. :)

The Dahle Family said...

Softies. Ya gotta mean it!

aunt jan said...

I must defend the roll of TP in the van. I was in scouts way too many years not to get the "Be prepared" thing, ok? And the Mobtab remixes are priceless. It's the only music I listen to. We were willing to do anything to get them back except for giving out pizza and a million bucks. All is well in the Hicken household again. (The CDs haven't stopped shivering yet from the damp cold and hostile surroundings. A therapy bill will be coming your way.....)

Marliese said...

You guys are too much...fun. I will be sure to never leave anything at your house when we come visit!

Mirien said...

Some kidnappers you'd make! You couldn't even hold out for the pizza??