
Facial Contorting

Memorial Day o’ Memorial Day oh how we love your National Holidayness, the numerous BBQs, the cemeteries that turn into awesome flower gardens, perfect weather and time with faaaaaamily. 

attempting to get a nice Fillmore family portrait


so elegantly patriotic its comical.


waaaay too serious game of bocce ball (just a side note … my mom’s right elbow is broken in this picture … unbeknownst to her … what a woman)


I love face contorting contests. Some find them to be silly or immature.  I find them highly entertaining.

oh craig.


“mad eye moody mom” award


try compacting all of your facial fat … I dare you … you may want to attempt this when you are alone …..

 first thing I thought: wow, he looks a lot like that pig man thing on Star Wars that wears hairy underwear  

Mitchell wins the award for most hideous face without the assistance of his hands.


Dad wins the “I’m too cool to make a sweet face” award.   whatever.

1 comment:

Marliese said...

Once again...never a dull moment. Too much fun.