I have a confession. I have always wanted to be a swimsuit designer. I can remember sketching up designs in High School when I was bored in a chemistry or english class. Swimsuit season always left a bad taste in my mouth because I could never find a swimsuit that was cute yet modest. Well ... I come bringing glad tidings of joy. The search is over. Some smart Mormon mom read my mind. www.limericki.com
This company was featured in the Standard Examiner a few weeks ago...shoulda let ya knewed...They've got the design part covered, but how about signing up to be a swimsuit model. You'd be gorgeous, and that's not kidding!
Thanks Erin- I was just thinking about getting a new swimsuit. I still think you'd be great at designing.
I've check out their site before when I was looking for a new suit for Hawaii. I ended up buying mine from modbe.com
So, did you know that Chris Ramsay's wife started designing bathing suits with her sister and they sell them online? You could do it Erin...
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