Erin and I love muffins and I make them probably about once a week. This week i made them 3 times, because of a recent discovery or should i say "happy accident". I was baking a batch of muffins that i read about on Meredith's blog, and i had made this recipe once before and decided it needed a little help. So i added a dash and a half of salt and a shiny green apple. And because i added the apple there was now just a little extra batter at the end, too much to throw out, and enough that it would have made the others overflow and then I'd have a messy oven to clean or a smokey house. And i didn't want to get another muffin tin dirty and wait another 14 minutes for just 2 muffins. So in this conundrum i was in... I decided I'd find a small dish and bake a muffin blob along side it. But the small 1 cup Pyrex dish i had only said "Microwave Safe" and not Oven safe. So i microwaved it. And lo and behold it turned out, It puffed up and got all cake like. The apples cooked and it was a wonderful muffin. Erin and I ate it and then had to wait another 14 minutes for the others to bake.
So because I am a man of science. I decided to try it again this time only with a less healthy recipe. (hold on the timer is going off for the control group)
So as I expected the ones baked in the oven look a little nicer, more rounded and a slight goldeny color. But the taste isn't far off. I will definitely microwave my muffins again.
I have included a few pictures to document my results.

This is one baked in the microwave next to one still in batter form. The color doesn't change much but the texture and size does quite a bit.

Here is a side by side comparison of the 18 minute oven baking against a 45 second microwave bath.

Here is another side by side cross-section comparison. Not a huge difference really, both spongey and both taste excellent.

Tomorrow i'll try out cupcakes in the microwave... check the comments to see how they turned out.
I am a muffinologist and I place my stamp of approval on the incredible edible microwave muffin. In fact .... I would consume a microwave muffin over an oven muffin if given the choice.
Nice to see you are so brave and experimental in the kitchen. That trait will take you far:).
takes after his father ha ha
You are a crack up. Who wouuld of thought a post about a muffin would be so long.
As it happens, I possess a graduate degree in muffinology. However, in my laboratory, I am all about quantity. As quick as the microwave is, I still think I can bake 24 muffins faster in my convection oven. But I will keep your research in mind, should I one day find myself alone and in need of a quick and delicious breakfast morsel. Please continue to post your research findings in the interest of improving life for mankind (those with small families, anyway.)
My brother-in-law is experimenting with the microwave cupcakes- you and he should compare data :)
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