
Just Married

After 9 months of dating, we decided to be married on May 7, 2009 in the SLC temple. The SLC temple is notorious for being extremely busy with weddings....but luckily for us, we were the LAST wedding of the day! Lucky couple #30 to be united. We didn't have to share the temple grounds with anyone. What a perfect day.


Mirien said...

Nice pictures! Can't wait to see more. That was a great day. Also, nice move with the blog. I'm liking it.

Milan said...

Nice pictures! Meredith looks great!

made sweet said...

so so so gorgeous Erin!!!!

and i LOVE that last pic! I've never seen a wedding pic with the SLC temple like that, nice work!!!

Nancy said...

You look beautiful! I wish we could have been there! So glad you've joined the blogging world :)