
It Isn't Over Till the Fat Lady Sings

We have some news .... and you may want to sit down to hear it ... drum roll .......... Mitchell and I attended the OPERA last Thursday night. Let me repeat that again ... THE OPERA, hard to believe I know. I remember being conned into going to my first opera ... this kind of sums up my experience: I paid $20 for a real nice headache. The entire thing was in Italian and every single noise that escaped their lips was a shrilly shriek. Blah. I am happy to say THIS opera experience was a bajillion times better. Mitchell's Uncle Wade offered us some free tickets and we can't say no to anything that is free ... so we jumped on it.


The show was in Logan .... a short 45 min drive from home

Taking a little breather during the intermission

Here are a few things I learned:
- operas are loooong
- you are guaranteed to be surrounded by a sea of white hair (80% senior citizens)
- make sure to take a purse full of snacks
- opera singers are not always robust women in mu-mu's
- the opera can be quite enjoyable


aunt jan said...

What? No ram-horned headdresses?? On a serious note, I'm so glad I didn't raise a totally uncultured swine/girl. Do you break out into song in the shower now? Glad you had a great night.

Mirien said...

Free tickets??? Gotta love that. We've been to shows in Logan before--they do a great job. Way to be well rounded. Next I think you need to attend the Spanish Fark Rodeo on the 24th. Start working on finding free tickets for that. Maybe Mitchell can volunteer to rope a calf or ride a bull?

merathon said...

yeah, i had a hunch that it was an opera when mitchell said you were going to a play at an OPERA HOUSE! glad you liked it!