We spent Christmas Eve at Monette (Mitchell's sister) and Aaron's house. The Christmas Eve lineup included everything from a Nativity program to playing Christmas carols with chimes.

We made time for a little temple trip to Denver

We spent Christmas Eve at Monette (Mitchell's sister) and Aaron's house. The Christmas Eve lineup included everything from a Nativity program to playing Christmas carols with chimes.
“….see that ye do not judge wrongfully; for with that same judgment which ye judge ye shall also be judged.”
I was excited every time i got a new submission to the cake contest. All of you did a wonderful job at being creative with the theme and i love all the decorations. I wish i had some great prizes to give out, but alas, i do not. Maybe next time. If anyone wants to make comments on which cake they thought was the funniest, or most creative with the theme, or most creative with the decorations, or best decorated or any other category…. please fill up the comment section.
Since everyone who didn’t participate is a LOSER, it makes all of you cake builders out there WINNERS!
Thanks for making this fun for us, i hope all of you had fun too. And it looks like many of you discovered a talent you never knew you had. Send your friends and see if they can guess which one is yours.
“The cake is a swimming pool because people go swimming on labor day.”
The Gears that keep America working!
“Our labors went into buying this trailer, making the monthly payments, doing constant repairs for the four years we lived there, and then most recently into selling it and officially becoming DEBT FREE.”
“These diligent laborers, whose hands bring us delicate produce such as these blueberries, often cannot join a Labor Union and enjoy the protection of labor laws and labor holidays such as this one. For migrant workers migrate to follow the produce seasons, and many are not exactly on good terms with the INS. But they too are laborers, and on this Labor Day, I honor them by eating the fruit of their labors.”
Would you like fries with that?
"After a long day of labor, there's nothing I like more than my bed!"
"Uh honey, I think I'm in labor. Crap, I don't have time to finish the cake, this will have to do."
"Kissing a man with a beard is a lot like going to a Labor Day picnic. You don't mind going through a little bush to get there!"
"I don’t know anyone who puts in more selfless time and effort to serving others than my mom. And on this Labors day she deserves a break and a little special treatment."
"If it so be that you should labor, all of your days, and bring but one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of our Father."