
What do Richard Simmons, Bill Cosby, Henry David Thoreau and Mitchell Fillmore all have in common?

They were all born on July 12th

Mitchell's birthday fell on a Sunday this year which means ..... TWO DAYS OF CELEBRATION! Here is day one .....

I failed to mention to Mitchell while we were dating that I had received a rather large inheritance ... and had purchased this lovely home to celebrate his birthday .....

He wishes. Is this house not ridiculous? We would seriously have to take out 125 yr mortgage

We had to celebrate 7-11 free slurpee day .... 7.11 oz to be exact

Did a session in the Draper temple which was awesome

Ate lunch at Daybreak

I would like to promote Flat Earth chips. These chips = one serving of veggies... and they are soo soo good.

Then we headed over to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house

Then we took a quick flight over to England to visit Stonehenge

Dinner time

Mitchell's birthday = July 12 = 7-12 ... and this pizzeria just happened to be called Seven Twelve. Destiny.

Potato pizza ... surprisingly good.

Mitchell then had to show me this cool place called "Sub Zero" ... they make your ice cream right on spot with liquid nitrogen.

end product

fun fact of the day: corn grows on trees

oh ... and on the way home we spotted SEVEN temples. pretty amazing if you ask me.


made sweet said...

1. happy birthday mitchell!!!

2. isn't pizzeria 712 awesome?? i love that place.

3. yeah...is that the stonehenge place in orem? it's so weird.

4. i can't wait to try flat earth chips.

Nancy said...

Happy Bday Mitchell! We love Subzero too! I don't know about potato pizza though;)

merathon said...

potatoes and pizza? sounds like a match made in heaven just like the two of you (said in really sappy cheesy voice)!

i also love flat earth chips (the fruit ones are good too) and i'd eat them more often if they weren't 5 bucks for a midget bag!

that liquid nitro place looks sweet. sadly there are no places like that here, nor are there any 7-11's!

can i come live with you in your new mansion?

loveland9 said...

Sounds like a good trip and a great birthday. I'll let you know when mine is.

The Dahle Family said...

That castle looks PERFECT for future family reunions!! If you buy it, we will come! Then you can relieve Mirien of her perpetual crowd hosting!

Mirien said...

Hmmm...we live 5 minutes from the Oquirrh Mountain temple and did we see Mitchell and Erin on Saturday? I think we've been snubbed. But happy birthday anyway! You guys sure know how to have fun! We miss you.

Ashlee said...

Those chips are awesome! Sounds like a super exciting birthday to me! Next time you are in my end of the valley I think I should get a shout out text ;)