

As some of you know, Mitchell headed up to Portland this weekend for his brother's wedding. I thought I could handle being all alone for 3.5 days, but to be honest, it got LONELY. I was shaky, irritable, anxious, had a loss of appetite, dilated pupils, rapid heart rate and was depressed .... I was having Mitchell withdrawals. I had to do something, and fast....

Make shift Mitchell

Conversations just weren't the same ....

His jumping even seemed a little stiff ...

And to top it all off, my mother had no one to barb
Will the real Mitchell Fillmore please stand up?
Come home Mitchell. Come home.


The Dahle Family said...

Wow--pretty impressive that your jump wasn't negatively impacted with the shakiness and pupil dilation, Erin. And thanks for letting us borrow him. We would've missed him terribly, too.

aunt jan said...

Make shift Mitchell is never a good thing. The real deal is the only way to go. We're so glad you're back home. But don't sit on my lap anymore, OK?

made sweet said...


i love this so much. that jumping picture is the best thing i've seen all day.

but the other awesome thing about my day was when i saw that "aunt jan" commented on my blog!! so cool!!!
your mom is the best. and i can't wait to see you on monday.

Marliese said...

So sweet! Erin, I am so glad my brother found a wife that loves him THIS much. Wow. Good thing he didn't go to Aruba.

It is good to need each other, though:). You two are the cutest...

Lorilee said...

I am laughing my head off as I type. You crack me up in some many ways. you lighten my life and make me smile. Thanks for sharing.