
Edward Cullen is Mormon

I lowered my standards. I know some of you will be very disappointed in me. Mitchell had some negative peer pressure, thanks to me. We watched Twilight. I am 41% embarrassed. I tried reading the books, I reached page 30 and had to quit. I just couldn't handle it. I thought I would give it another try, so we picked up a free redbox rental the other night....let's just say it wasn't thee worst movie we have watched.

We decided to do our own little spoof. Hope you enjoy.
** If you want to see the original clip, click here. **

And for your viewing pleasure.....our playful parody.....


Melayna said...

Wow -- that was INTENSE. Amazing acting job, you guys. For a minute there, I really felt like Mitchell WAS inactive. You delivered those lines with such FEELING -- "I love to rub glitter on my body! I LOVE it!" I was moved. TRULY moved. You can tell by all the CAPITAL LETTERS I'm using -- adds DRAMA to the post. Not as much drama as body glitter, but still . . . Thanks for the fun Friday night flick! :-)

Morgan said...

approximately how much spare time do you guys have? haha...if you guys dubbed over the whole movie i'd watch it again...but that's the only way i'd ever watch it again

The Dahle Family said...

Ditto to Morgan. And Erin, I am 87% embarrassed that I read all the books and watched the movie. At least you had the sense to not be able to stand >30 pages. The only reason I can be 13% not embarrassed about that fact is because I teach the young women and reading them helped me to get into the teenage girl's world a bit. And when I taught about not dating seriously in high school per Strength of Youth standards, I could refer to the psycho obsessive relationship of Ed and Bella. I mean, even if he wasn't a vampire, that kind of relationship is asking for trouble!

aunt jan said...

Edward can't be Mormon or he'd love EFY. And I think glitter is against the Word of Wisdom.

Milan said...

It's okay, Mitchell. I rub glitter all over my body too. Just lathered myself up this morning. I'm not ashamed. Why should you be?

Matt said...

hahaha I'm so glad we've made it to your blog finally, Thanks Mitchell! haha this is good. You guys are great :)